Vava Chroma: Countdown begins for the New Firmware Release

As promised by Vava, the release of the firmware is coming in a day or two.

It’s crucial that Vava should fix this at the end of this month cause if not , they will face ANGRY and FRUSTRATED people — yeah, there’s a difference in supporting a product but it’s not good when someone feels like you have been DUPED and someone STEALS your hard earned money when you got a failed and broken product!

One thing I learned from this experience that I WILL never recommend a product to buy ever again esp on this price level—I have three family friends (I hope they are still) who got Chroma because of my recommendation. One called me up today and told me how he couldn’t believe spending a lot of money for an unwatchable unit—asking me if this is really a legit company. I feel responsible that’s why I’m following this release closely.

My Chroma is in one corner powered off waiting for this much awaited firmware.

I still believe that Vava will fix this…PLEASE!


Hi, @Lmagy2k We appreciate for staying positive. Don’t worry if the latest firmware will be upcoming it will be announced to all our customers.

Send the unit back to VAVA, and open a chargeback with your credit card company. You will never recover the shipping fee for returning the unit, but at least you will recover your money for the projector.

Hi @tugando We have a new software update that will be available by the end of the week. We suggest you join our FB VAVA Chroma Page VAVA Chroma | Crowdfunding to know more about the latest updates with the VAVA Chroma. Thank you!

Sure, but what about an update for the original VAVA projector, did you abandon that one? You guys have been promising an update which fixes all of the remaining bugs since last year. No one is going to buy anymore of your projectors if you never take the time to resolve annoying bugs.

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It does seem like they have totally abandoned the Vava 4K. Sigh … and I only just bought it few months ago :frowning:

Actually this whole conversation about the new projector proves people will still buy their product even though they will not fix them. Many of us original owners have tried to warn people and get them to develop new firmware but it never works. Much like their projectors…

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