OFFLINE: Base Station won’t go online after pairing during install

MODEL: VA-HS003 Cam Pro
Brand New. Bought directly from VAVA website. Opened out of box today had difficulty pairing the base station, but after finally getting it paired, it will not even go online, great, I dug a a tunnel just to hit a wall underneath the ground… no matter what troubleshooting steps Vava advises us on here or on the support website. Apparently it is a known issue, so I’m just putting in my ticket just like everyone else. It also doesn’t surprise me now why I got $100 off the product. Should I just go get a Wyze camera?.. cause theirs don’t even cost this much but at least it worked… the first time. I thought I’d give vava a try I am not happy on my first experience. :frowning_face:

Same problem here. Been over a week now i emailed support they told me to wait a few days and do everything again. Still wont connect and they havent responded to my follow up email i sent 3 days ago.

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EVERYONE RETURN YOUR PRODUCT SINCE VAVA DOESNT HAVE A PERMANENT SOLUTION IN A FASHIONABLE AMOUNT TIME. Because if you wait too long they probably won’t give you your money back after the return expiration date. I hope I do not have to call my credit card company for a Dispute due to that. This is a disappointment, I guess I’m just gonna return my dash cam too

Customer support couldnt help me because the engineers have no fix for this. I returned my system so i am out, good luck to the rest of you.